Waifu Connoisseur
Ahoy! Welcome to this website that I have made just because. Don't know what to put here yet really.
Will start actually learning html now maybe
What is this website used for?
to display my love for anime and games I dunno
What I plan to add/change (in like a century) from wanting to add/change most to least likely to
- an anime/video games news section
- changing the look of the index page more so it stops being the template I used (although am not artistic in any way so it'll probably be more bland anyways I dunno)
- a page about waifus
- a page about Re:Zero aka my favorite anime of all time
- switching the links to the left side of the page and moving the site updates somewhere else on the index (or removing that part entirely)
- on top of that, move the links of my steam and myanimelist to a different section or a different page.
- the about page, honestly not sure what I would even put there or rather what I would put in more outside of "am waifu connoisseur and enjoy anime and video games".
- maybe some more things but I don't really plan on paying for the plan atm and am not sure how much can fit in 1 GB